Te Maramataka o Te Arawa 2021-2022
This calendar gives us Te Arawa lunar phases and stellar months from 2021 to 2022. Based on some observations of local practitioners ‘Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Te Arawa’ we have also included the rising of seasonal stars and constellations Matariki (Pleiades), Whakaahu (Castor) and Rehua (Antares).
Te rōpū rangahau
Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Te Arawa
Ngā kōrero me ngā ingoa o ngā marama i waihanga:
Irirangi Tiakiawa, Toby Rikihana, Tu Te Rangi Whakaea Morehu, Rereata Makiha, Maru Tapsell, Raimona Inia
Ngā toi i waihanga:
Toiariki (Richard Francis)